Sam Day's Article in Home and Family

456 Perks Of Moving Into an Aged Care Facility
Moving to an aged care facility might be intimidating, overwhelming, and feel void. You’re not alone. It’s quite common to have such feelings when deciding to move to an aged care facility.
Posted on Nov-08-2021

456 How Often Should I Visit My Parents In An Aged Care Facility?
Well, it’s indeed a tricky question as there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It really depends on how well you could manage to visit your aged parents in aged care facilities Sydney in spite of your busy schedule and how often you think your parents will appreciate your visit.
Posted on Sep-15-2021

427 Perks Of Aging At Home
Most of us want to stay active and independent as we age. But, the physical changes of ageing makes it difficult to live independently. Eventually, seniors have to decide whether to move to an aged care facility or opt for 24 hour home care service to get the support they need.
Posted on Aug-18-2021

450 How to Talk To My Parents about assisted Living?
So your elderly parents need help as their health is deteriorating and you are finding it difficult to give them the proper care they need. Probably you are pretending there’s no problem and procrastinating the issue.
Posted on Aug-13-2021