Sally Buberman's Article in Communications
Videoconferencing technologies help preserve our planet
When you opt for a video conference call instead of a personal meeting, how much of this decision can help protect our mother earth? In terms of reducing the corporate footprint worldwide videoconferencia technologies turn out to be quite gentle with the earth.
Posted on Aug-09-2012
Videoconferencing Introduction
Videoconferencing has many uses that are to be discussed here. For example, you can: use for presentations to groups; function to edit documents, and for use in a professional capacity.
Posted on Aug-09-2012
An Introduction To Webinars
A "webinar" is a way to communicate with people by computer. You can have: a conversation, a brief lecture, or meeting. Therefore, the webinar can be a very useful method of communicating to you.
Posted on Aug-09-2012