Roof Hospital's Article in Home Improvement

4999 Roofing Shingles and Tiles - 3 Basic Types
Choices. That’s what you have when you want to replace your roof. More product choices than ever. Whatever happened to the basics? Nothing happened to the basics, they’re right here, just like they always have been. Most roofing systems have the same three basic shingle types...and those three types are discussed in this article. We learn to crawl before we walk, so learn the shingle basics before replacing your roof. Let’s get started!
Posted on Apr-30-2009

1319 Roofing: Under the Shingles - What goes on beneath the Asphalt, Metal, Wood, Rubber and Clay Tiles
Quick, what's the most important part of a roof? Did you pick the shingles? Or did you wonder what I meant by a "part"? What other parts of a roof could exist? There's more than meets the eye on a roof, and it's what you don't see that is the most important. This article discusses what goes on...Under the Shingles
Posted on Apr-30-2009