Ronaldo's Article in Internet Marketing
The larger platform- Digital marketing and advantages
Digital marketing is like interactive solutions in internet market that provides a critical and vital difference to online clients. The digital marketing concept specializes in website management, social, local campaigns and web advertisement. Web marketing is about using emerging different technologies and media to more effectively manage client’s advertisement and promotion business.
Posted on Nov-29-2011
SEO power!
In this article, the powers and services of SEO are discussed. It also mentions what are the requirements of a digital marketing agency like SEO solutions for basic three things, which are for SEO report, keyword research and for website upgrading.
Posted on Nov-25-2011
Search engine optimization- An important concept to understand
Search engine optimization is all about page traffic, gaining positioning on page 1 of Google. Two major areas that are covered through SEO, one is gaining traffic through SEO efforts and other one is gaining traffic through paid search engine advertising that is through PPC (pay per click).
Posted on Nov-25-2011