Richard Johnson's Article in Gardening

939 A Mold Inspection for Mycotoxins
Don't let the big word scare you. Mycotoxins are simply a common product produced by a living organism here on our diversified planet Earth.
Posted on Jun-17-2013

973 Big issues of Indoor Air Quality and Mold
Albeit, mold is the simplest micro organism living on the earth currently and it has also been surviving for over millions of years with humans!
Posted on May-27-2013

777 San Francisco Mold Remediation - Smart way to a healthy life!
Mold is a general and non scientific term indicating various types of fungi. There are over ten thousand types of fungi known to science.
Posted on Mar-21-2013

942 Get To Know About Molds And The Ways To Avoid Them
Molds are very common in homes and buildings and will grow almost anywhere where there is moisture. The most common indoor molds are Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Alternaria.
Posted on Feb-14-2013

783 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Mold in Your Home
Is your indoor air quality low? Are you suffering from allergic problems? There could be mold growing somewhere in your home.
Posted on Dec-20-2012

876 How To Find The Most Suitable San Francisco Mold Removal Company?
Mold is a common problem found in many houses. Usually mold gets settled in the damp and moist locations and can cause serious health related problems. Mold has tiny invisible spores that flow with wind and start to grow when they find a suitable ambience.
Posted on Aug-23-2012

742 What To Look For In An Insured San Francisco Mold Removal Company?
Commonly found mold under difficult to reach places, in the form of black or white patches with an unbearable pungent smell are one of the major culprits for severe expenses you may incur during the removal.
Posted on Aug-23-2012

917 Mold Remediation San Francisco Services – How They Eradicate The Threat?
Mold is a type of fungus that is commonly noticed these days. It settles and starts to grow whenever it gets moisture and warmth.
Posted on Aug-23-2012

697 Five Common Questions about the Need for San Francisco Mold Inspection
San Francisco is considered a haven for allergy sufferers. Due to the coastal breezes, allergens are blown out to sea.
Posted on Jul-16-2012

749 Prevent Harmful Mold by Effective Moisture Control
You often hear about how moisture in your home can damage the structure and cause harmful mold to grow.
Posted on May-22-2012

761 San Francisco Area Mold Remediation Tips
Any home in the San Francisco Bay Area is vulnerable to invasion by harmful molds. Some kinds of molds are particularly dangerous as they can become absorbed into the body of those exposed, creating or exacerbating health issues.
Posted on May-21-2012

853 How to Remove Mold from Your Home
Mold is one of the important causes for poor indoor air quality. Since, mold has the ability to thrive in different climatic conditions; it is always difficult to get rid of molds completely from the home.
Posted on Apr-04-2012

677 When to Hire a Professional Mold Removal Company
Most often, homeowners are able to clean up the molds without the need for a professional mold removal company.
Posted on Apr-04-2012

894 How to Detect Mold Growth in Your Home
Do you know that mold infection can cause life threatening health issues? The sad news is that most of the people are still unaware of the mold hazards.
Posted on Apr-04-2012

803 Lethal Health Imperilments of Mold and its Remedy
The place we live in is very important to be monitored and inspected every now and then for a healthy hygienic life.
Posted on Mar-14-2012

488 Why You Need a Professional Mold Inspection Company
Mold growth is causing a huge problem throughout the world. One of the main reasons for its rapid growth is that mold can thrive in different climatic conditions
Posted on Jan-22-2012

457 How To Remove Molds Effectively And Safely
Molds play a crucial role in causing a wide range of health problems throughout the world. Apart from causing health related problems directly, molds are also an important contributing factor for deadly diseases. Mold infection can intensity the health conditions of asthma and allergy sufferers.
Posted on Jan-19-2012

597 How to Secure Your Home from Mold
A large number of people are falling victim to mold infection mainly due to negligence. Mold infection not just affects asthma or allergy sufferers, but can cause adverse health effects to healthy persons too.
Posted on Jan-24-2012

1022 Health Benefits of Mold Removal
The effects of mold and your health can be very significant. Mold and its effects on the human body have been well documented over the years by a number of comprehensive clinical studies.
Posted on Oct-09-2011

448 What are Black Mold Inspections and Why Are They Needed?
A mold inspection is an evaluation of a property to find out if there are any signs of fungal growth on the building material or anywhere else within the property.
Posted on Oct-08-2011

735 Finding a Good Mold Remediation Company in San Francisco
Molds grow naturally in any environment that has a little moisture content and can be spotted easily in walls, bathroom tiles, wood and floors with its mildew smell even it is invisible to your eyes.
Posted on Aug-12-2011

480 How to Get Rid of Mold in San Francisco
Molds can be helpful or harmful depending on where they grow. When they grow on cheese, the resultant Blue Cheese becomes a gourmand’s delight, but when they grow on carpet or plaster, they cause a chain of reactions including allergy, asthma attacks, and even respiratory problems in some
Posted on Aug-10-2011