Rich T's Article in Finance

181 Top 5 Things to Look for When Searching for the Best Factoring Company
There are numerous elements to think about when considering a factoring company as a business financing option for you business. Choosing the appropriate factoring company that meets your needs can have a positive impact on your company’s financial bottom line and future business transactions.
Posted on Dec-20-2011

192 5 Tips When Considering an Invoice Factoring Company
When looking to improve your company cash flow without adding debt, invoice factoring may be the best direction to take your business.
Posted on Dec-20-2011

206 Tips to Grow Your Business
Have you really sat down to analyze your marketing strategy approach? It may be time to get organized and take a look at what proper tools will be most effective for your industry to get the word out and focus on achieving your business goals.
Posted on Dec-20-2011

192 Offering Net 30 to Net 60 Payment Terms
Offering payment terms can be challenging when working with small or established businesses. Cash may be king, but it’s also tight and makes you grip it a little tighter these days.
Posted on Dec-20-2011