Raliakinna's Article in Business
The Versatility of the Men's T Shirt
For many people, the symbol of the typical male is the men's t shirt. However, most view the men's t shirt as sloppy or tacky. Many men further this stereotype by not taking care of their shirts, or by choosing shirts with crude quotes or sayings on them.
Posted on Jan-04-2012
The Different Ways to Wear Men's T Shirts
Men's t shirts have gotten a bad rap in recent years. The t shirt itself has become a billboard for men to advertise their humor or poor taste, and the result is a generation of men constantly wearing shirts related to beer, insulting comments about others, or childish cartoon characters.
Posted on Dec-16-2011
Why Men's Designer Shirts Are Growing in Popularity
As men are growing up, there is a new trend developing that has caught on in most areas of the country: men's designer shirts. Once thought of as exclusively for women, the trend of designer shirts is finally reaching mainstream potential with men.
Posted on Nov-17-2011
The Sheer Variety of Men's Clothes
Over the years, women have garnered the reputation for having a wide variety of clothing choices. But lately, men's clothes have taken a turn – and sophisticated men are broadening their horizons. Generally, men stuck to basics: t-shirts and jeans.
Posted on Nov-04-2011
The Proper Fit for Men's Pants
Men's pants seem to be one of those pieces of clothing that many average men cannot seem to wear properly. Despite many men who have their pants tailored and fit properly, there are many men who seem to not understand how to buy pants that fit correctly, and in turn, wear pants that do not fit.
Posted on Nov-04-2011