Preeti Singh's Article in Careers

1053 Sarkari Naukri: Various Job Opportunities in Each and Every Field
In the recent years, several job opportunities have been generated by the private sector in India. Be it education, information technology, banking, finance, pharmaceutical, advertising or marketing, there are various job opportunities in each and every field.
Posted on Feb-02-2012

1066 RRB Recruitment Both Pleasing as well as Secure
Jobs are provided to several people in India by the Indian railways. A lot of people are recruited every year by the Indian railways. If a person thinks of starting a career with railways, it is both pleasing as well as secure. Recession doesn’t affect this sector much.
Posted on Feb-02-2012

1094 Karnataka Bank Recruitment Will Help Aspirants to Land Into Lucrative Jobs
Online applications are invited by Karnataka bank from various eligible candidates for recruiting various scale 1 officer vacancies. 13th January will be the last date for applying for this job. Candidates have to give an application online by logging into the careers of Karnataka bank from 29th January.
Posted on Feb-02-2012

1185 Advantages and Drawbacks of Government jobs
Many questions keep on arising in mind when a person has to choose between options of private jobs as well as government jobs. Government jobs in India have many benefits.
Posted on Feb-02-2012

1137 DMRC Recruiting People for Various Vacancies in The Year 2012
Delhi Metro is surely a world class metro. For ensuring safety and reliability in trains, it has been equipped with various modern communications as well as a system for train control.
Posted on Feb-02-2012

1119 Corporation Bank Recruitment 2012, Searching For Prospective Employees and Stimulating and Encouraging
Applications are invited by Corporation bank for the post of probationary officers who have been the citizens of India and have appeared for the common written examination for the management trainees and probationary officers conducted by the IBPS in 2011.
Posted on Feb-02-2012

1453 Central Bank of India a Stable Career in The Industry of Banking
The primary reason for various attractive careers in several organizations is the availability and presence of various jobs. When the offers are not narrow, people can get into different posts into an organization.
Posted on Feb-01-2012

1103 Central Bank of India Recruitment Gaining a Lot of Demand in the Present Scenario
Banking jobs are gaining a lot of demand in the present day situation. There is keenness in people all over India for joining these banks and for having a prosperous career. In recent years, there has been an enthusiasm among the people for joining these bank jobs.
Posted on Feb-01-2012

1245 Canara Bank Recruitment 2012
One who is interested in Canara bank recruitment can visit the website of the bank. There he/she will find all details such as exam, date, syllabus, results, advertisement, application form, apply online and various centers across India.
Posted on Feb-01-2012

1170 Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2012, Offers Innovations in Its Services
Various applications are invited by Bank of Baroda for recruiting various Chartered Accountants in the scale or grade of Senior Management and in the scale and grade of middle management.
Posted on Jan-31-2012

1137 Lot of Scope for The Bank Jobs in India
There is a lot of scope for the bank jobs in India. Working in a bank will involve a lot of excitement. However, if a person is not very careful, the bank jobs prove to be extremely stressful.
Posted on Jan-31-2012

1088 Vacancies For Bank Clerk Recruitment 2012 Trills Today’s Youth
Indian Banks from time to time invites application for recruitment of different clerical posts across the country. Candidates who are thinking to kick start their careers in banking industry are more likely grab bank clerk jobs.
Posted on Jan-31-2012

1087 Allahabad Bank Recruitment 2012, Secret of Success in The Lives of Many People
Allahabad bank can be a secret of success in the lives of many people. It is also set for providing various opportunities for the people who deserve it in the year 2012.
Posted on Jan-31-2012

1115 Every Youngsters Dream to Enter Into AIR FORCE via AFCAT 2012
If students are having a dream to enter into the Air Force as proud recruits in various positions, they can also get an opportunity throughout their life to appear in the AFCAT 2012.
Posted on Jan-31-2012

978 SBI clerk recruitment 2012, aspirants have to really face a stiff competition
State Bank of India will conduct an examination for SBI clerk recruitment 2012. This will be conducted in the month of November and will recruit more than 11000 clerical staff.
Posted on Jan-30-2012

929 Time management and self confidence are the fundamentals for 2012 SBI Recruitment
Over the years, a tremendous growth has been seen by the banking sector. People mainly prefer jobs in the banks. This will promise them good stability as well as a good future. As per the size of State Bank of India, this is one of the largest banks. However, the interesting news is that the SBI recruitment 2012 is soon going to be announced by this bank.
Posted on Jan-30-2012

765 Make A Successful Attempt At State Bank Of India Recruitment Keeping Few Factors In Mind
It is a dream for millions of students and jobs aspirants to get into jobs which have features of security, stability, good pay and professional satisfaction and State Bank of India recruitment has the feasibility for all of these.
Posted on Jan-17-2012

728 Why Do Government Jobs Score Over The Private Sector Jobs In India?
For those in the middle class families in India, the question of, whether to join the private sector jobs or the government jobs, is one of the perpetual dilemmas that stays in their minds.
Posted on Jan-17-2012

727 Pick Up Sarkari Naukri For 5 Reasons That Are The Basics For People In India
When planning for jobs after finishing of the education, most of the people in India are eyeing the jobs in the Indian government which is also termed as sarkari naukri.
Posted on Jan-17-2012

821 Building Careers In KPTCL With Multiple Opportunities And Stable Careers
During the decision to choose careers, a number of factors are taken into account by the aspiring candidates. The choice of careers is done by proper deliberations and after looking at different prospects.
Posted on Jan-13-2012

781 LIC Recruitment: 3 Compelling Reasons For Going For It In Different Posts
Being a part of one of India’s largest financial and insurance organisation is a matter of pride and the opportunity of LIC recruitment should therefore, not be missed out.
Posted on Jan-13-2012

752 ITBP: For Those Who can Face Tough and Challenging Environment
The ITBP or Indo Tibetan Border Police is the Indian force allocated the job of protecting the border of the Tibetan Autonomous Region of China. It is also one of the Central Armed Police Forces.
Posted on Jan-13-2012

797 Indian Navy Recruitment: For a Glorious Career at Sea
Indian navy recruitment is conducted on the basis of All India Merit. The advertisement for this can be found on all the main regional and national newspapers and on the Employment News.
Posted on Jan-13-2012

769 Indian Army Recruitment: Join the World’s Finest Armed Force
The Indian Army Recruitment is voluntary for Indian citizen, regardless of any caste, religion, community or class. Each year, millions of men and women are employed by the armed forces.
Posted on Jan-13-2012

775 IBPS: Showing Remarkable Achievement in Registering Skilled Candidates
IBPS has brought in a new era in banking exams conducted in India. This great institution now conducts common written exams for 19 PSU Indian banks.
Posted on Jan-12-2012