Peter Forlan's Article in Web Design

628 Does Your Website Content Remind Visitors of the 90s? Refresh It Easily
There is something about reading an old article or writing of yours that simply gives you ideas on how to make it better. Take content on your website for example. The words may have seemed perfect when initially written, but time has passed and they may no longer adequately describe your company or offerings. Perhaps visitors don’t connect with your brand like they used to. Every now and again, it doesn’t hurt to give your website a touch-up. It actually helps. Of course, if the layout and grap
Posted on Nov-07-2010

694 5 Non Profit Website Essentials
Everyday more and more nonprofits turn to the internet as a way to generate awareness for their cause. They spend hours online, researching various techniques that could help them better connect with their target constituents; so it's no surprise that sooner than later, they realize a website is not an accessory, but a necessity for them to be effective online.
Posted on Sep-16-2010