Peter El Shoura's Article in Health and Fitness

613 Why Dental Implants Treatment is Popular?
You may have lost your tooth or teeth due to various reasons like teeth decay, infection, or accident. Whatever the reason may be, considering dental implants treatment is one of the best choices for tooth replacement. To preserve all your teeth, and to provide a natural-looking solution, dentist in Kellyville offer dental implants as a better, longer-lasting less invasive solution.
Posted on Jul-18-2019

569 The Most Common Dental Problems
Most of the dental problems are preventable. A simple routine can help prevent most of the oral diseases.
Posted on Jul-01-2019

576 Get To Know About the Symptoms and Treatment for Hyperdontia
Did you know? If you're right-handed, you will chew your food on your right side. If you're left-handed, you will eat your food on your left side.
Posted on May-08-2019

772 Does Regular Care Improves Your Overall Dental Health
A recent study shows that over 80% of people think their teeth look bad in photographs. And this is the reason why most people refuse to smile while posing for pictures to post it on social media.
Posted on Mar-25-2019

578 Children Dentistry - Baby Teeth Matters
Crankiness, Sleepless Nights, drooling! Are you wondering how such tiny teeth can cause much big fuss? All these uncomfortable period are forgotten when your baby gets his first teeth.
Posted on Mar-07-2019

556 Ignoring Your Oral Health? It Can Be A Root Cause for Heart Related Diseases
A study shows that people with gum diseases are twice likely to have heart related problems. You might be taken aback when you read the above study’s result. Yes, but that is the scary reality.
Posted on Jan-27-2019