Patrick Torres's Article in Health and Fitness

641 All you got to know about how to stop snoring
Are you disturbing your partner by snoring all night long? Or perhaps, your partner does it by which your sleep is disturbed the whole night.
Posted on Jan-27-2011

862 Gentle Pantry Makeover
In my experience as a nutritionist, I know that gentle change when practiced with consistency over time, leads to long term success. Here is a list of healthy, versatile staples that you can incorporate into your pantry so your family will have tasty snacks and meals at their fingertips.
Posted on Dec-28-2010

601 Changing Your Relationship with Food
Food is not only the method by which we feed our bodies. It is central to our social activities and family time. Food may play a "comfort" role when we are depressed, angry, or lonely.
Posted on Dec-22-2010

1124 Marathon Eating Plan
Proper food choices and eating patterns are essential components of your marathon training program. They can also have a big influence on your race results.
Posted on Dec-22-2010