Parick Boardman's Article in Small Business

691 Retail Small Business Options for Entrepreneurs
Making a life change from employee to business owner is the dream of many who strive for a higher income and the freedom to make decisions first-hand. A person can become a sole proprietor, go into a partnership, or become part of a corporation. The business model should reflect your personality, skills, lifestyle, resources, and energy level. This article lays out common popular retail business types and the differences between each.
Posted on Aug-02-2011

648 Small Business Necessities for Opening a Retail Store
Enterprising souls still exist in this increasingly digital world willing to do business in what we perceive as the material world, and the most hands-on industry with the material public is the retail industry. In this article the focus will be not on chain mega-stores but rather on the small business owners who face the hardest work and greatest risk in business start-ups.
Posted on Aug-02-2011

593 Toronto Suppliers of Small Business Displays Hang on Shopper Moods
The smallest of businesses can be affected by world events so for many there may be an aversion to tuning into the news for fear of hearing about the latest catastrophe causing the rich to become richer and the poor to become desperate. In Toronto however, there are ample jobs and millions of people conducting business (at the time of this writing) so sales aren't always bad yet many are still operating on a shoestring. Some entrepreneurial types are brave enough to open a retail store.
Posted on Aug-02-2011