Parick Boardman's Article in Religion
Newly Invented Christian Metal Art Sculpture to Adorn Headstones
Metal-sculpture artist Todd Moore has patented an angelic vision to enhance cemetery memorials. The tastefully-colored metal angels are affixed to granite headstones and make the family plot easier to see from a distance. At night there is a light shaped like a candle that glows eternally, for it is charged by solar energy cells during the day. The product is reviewed in this article.
Posted on Aug-28-2011
Christians Prayers for Gift Ideas Answered With Inspirational Metal Art
One pleasant problem with having a middle-class income in North American society is what to buy for friends and relatives at Christmas. The reason it has become a headache is simply because people seem to have everything already in the way of electronics, clothes, devices, and every other item one can think of. An impressive gift should be beautiful, unique and around two or three hundred dollars. A new religious item coming on the market is a gift from heaven for it fits the bill perfectly.
Posted on Aug-28-2011
Christian Angels and a Heaven Full of Gods
The Biblical folklore concerning angelic beings describes a complex and separate form of living entities with structured powers, purpose, and a defined hierarchy. This article discusses the concepts that may have created a need for other heavenly creatures to be written into the mythology of Christianity. The notion that the Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are monotheistic religions is contradicted by the belief in so many Gods and holy beings.
Posted on Aug-28-2011