Why Regular Health Check-Up is essential?
A generation ago, people see their doctor only when they were sick. But today, as they are becoming more educated and empowered about their health, preventative health care is commonly practised.
Posted on Jun-21-2020
The Importance of Diagnosing Melanoma at an early stage!
Skin cancer is, by far, the most common type of cancer. These cancers are seen in areas exposed to the sun, such as the head, neck, and arms, but keep in mind, it can occur anywhere in the skin. There are different types of skin cancers among which, melanoma is an increasingly important public health problem.
Posted on Jun-17-2020
Reasons why Bowral Doctors suggest Mums to join Mothers Group during the Pandemic!
Being a new parent can be a very intimidating and an isolating experience, but no one talks about it.
Posted on May-24-2020
All you should know about Postpartum Depression!
Pregnancy and childbirth can be an exciting and joyous time.
Posted on May-24-2020
Some facts about Breast Cancer Screening!
Ask anyone you know if they know someone who had or has breast cancer. They will most likely answer yes. Except for skin cancers, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer that affects women.
Posted on Apr-14-2020
Some important Health Screening every Man should have!
None of us love going to doctors’ appointments. It is easy to ignore annual checkups while giving priority to family, work, or social life. And eventually, you just stop going altogether.
Posted on Apr-14-2020
Why it’s Important to Care for Your Mental Health?
Living with a mental illness can seem complicated. It impacts all parts of your life and has a huge influence on your overall physical health. A person's normal daily activities may become more difficult, relationships can be affected, and finding treatment can seem challenging. Stress takes a heavy toll on mental and emotional health, so it’s important to keep it under control.
Posted on Feb-20-2020
Things You Should Know About Chronic Disease
Did you know chronic diseases are the major cause of death and disability worldwide?
Posted on Jan-22-2020
Health screening every Woman should know
Every woman should make time for regular health management, including, stress management, exercise, and choosing the right food for them.
Posted on Nov-26-2019
Importance of skin checks at Bowral medical centre
With summer approaching, many of us would be looking forward to spending a lot of time outdoors soaking up the sunshine.
Posted on Nov-25-2019
How Do You Know If Something Is Wrong With Your Breast?
If you wish to understand if something is wrong with your breast, you must be familiar with about your breasts at first.
Posted on Nov-19-2019
Are Ovarian Cysts Dangerous?
Ovaries, one of the most important organs in the female reproductive system.
Posted on Nov-19-2019
Is Annual Health Check Up Necessary?
Yes, especially if you are above 40. Although health care professionals at the Bowral medical centre give us several reasons to see the doctors every year, there are actually many benefits of doing so. In fact, the annual check-ups help to sustain your relationship with the GP and personalise your health care.
Posted on Oct-21-2019
The Importance of Comprehensive Health Checks for the Middle-Aged
Aging is an inevitable process of life. Whilst we age differently, there does exist common health problems amongst different age groups. There are several reasons as to why one should incorporate regular health checks into their fitness lifestyle, especially the middle-aged. The Bowral doctors at Walker Street General Practice is here to help you lead a healthy life.
Posted on Aug-01-2019