Nick Makaryk's Article in Disease And Illness
Acid Reflux Cause And Reflux Disease Symptoms
Because so many people deal with acid reflux and heartburn on a regular basis, it is important to understand the acid reflux cause so that it can be treated properly. The unfortunate thing is, many of us tend to look for a pharmaceutical cure for problems such as heartburn, when in reality we are only covering over the symptoms that we are experiencing. If you truly want to get rid of the heartburn that you have altogether, you need to understand the acid reflux cause for you as an individual. Y
Posted on May-31-2010
What You Need to Know About Acid Reflux Medicines
All you know is that your stomach feels as though it is on fire and you need relief. However, frequent heartburn and acid reflux can cause more serious problems. By all means if you have received treatment from your doctor for this problem, continue to take the medication prescribed until you can discuss this with your doctor. Many people are under the impression that acid reflux medicine means they do not have to change their eating habits.
Posted on Jan-20-2010
What Causes Common Acid Reflux?
There are dozens of non-prescription medications for treating recurring heartburn and acid reflux. If you have tried them all and went the route of trying advice from friends and relatives to no avail, you need to get to the bottom of your problem. Treating the symptoms and not the cause is the reason nothing seems to be working for very long. Acid Reflux commonly also called Heartburn and is caused when the stomach acids back up into the esophagus, inducing a very burning sensation.
Posted on Jan-18-2010
Are There Any Good Effective Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux Disease?
When it comes to treating acid reflux or consistent heartburn I am sure you would agree that you need to avoid harsh medications and chemicals. You would be surprised the number of people who do not understand the long term effects when using antacids, even if these medications are prescribed by a doctor. There is no doubt that when treating this naturally you will need to make dietary changes along with changes in your daily routine.
Posted on Jan-18-2010
Be Cautious When Using Acid Reflux Medicine
It is always important to understand what you are putting into your body, when taking acid reflux medicine there is the danger of possible side effects. Let's look at the ingredients and then go over what these ingredients can cause. The ingredients are as follows; aluminum hydroxyl, carbonate, calcium, magnesium and sodium. These ingredients could lead to the following, dehydration, diarrhea, constipation, hypertension, cardiovascular problems, gallbladder disease and even kidney failure.
Posted on Jan-18-2010