Nicholas07's Article in Health and Fitness

302 Crucial Aspects of Arc Flash Fire Safety Training
Arc flash can be a dangerous risk to your safety and the safety of people who are around you.
Posted on Feb-03-2012

286 Arc Flash Training With Arc Flash Videos
Electrical work explosion-related incidents occur nearly every single year. These types of incidents end up in 3 to 4 deadly injuries every single day.
Posted on Jan-17-2012

279 Arc Flash Fire Safety Training Helps Protect Workers From Arc Flash
An electric arc flash produces hazardous level of pressure waves, sound waves, molten metal and shrapnel that could lead to several hazards that might disabling in nature.
Posted on Jan-05-2012

349 Arc Flash Safety Training Based On NFPFa 70e And OSHA
Arc flash results in a massive release of energy, which may be disastrous for all those doing work in its vicinity.
Posted on Dec-07-2011

325 Arc Flash Training For Work Place Safety
Many of you may have witnessed an arc flash yourself and even some of you may have seen its images on television - the impact of an arc flash is a terrific light and as well as a quickly expanding superheated vapor.
Posted on Nov-25-2011