Nicco Rostano's Article in Real Estate
Helpful Hints on Selling Luxury Homes
Because the market for real estate dropped to a record low recently, a lot of homeowners are staying put. Luxury homes are especially hit hard.
Posted on Sep-09-2009
Live the Good Life in a Miami Luxury Home
Picture yourself living in the home of your dreams, complete with pillars and a large porch, palm trees lining the drive, tennis courts or a pool to the side, and the Atlantic Ocean just beyond your back steps. When you buy a Miami luxury home you can have your own piece of heaven.
Posted on Jun-17-2009
Feeling at Home on Beachfront Property
Ocean real estate is very attractive property, from a visual as well as financial standpoint. Almost everyone instinctively finds large bodies of water to be relaxing and beautiful.
Posted on Apr-16-2009