Nate Rodney's Article in Health and Fitness

693 Getting Parched with a Dry Mouth
If you constantly feel like the inside of your dry mouth is like being on a hot, sizzling desert – it may be easy to dismiss this dry mouth condition as a normal occurrence. After all, you can always drink something to quench your thirst and moisten your dry mouth, right? However, a dry mouth and the resulting decrease in the production and presence of saliva may increase your risks of developing more serious dental problems in the future.
Posted on Feb-02-2012

591 Tips to Live Substance Abuse-Free Life
Quitting a substance abusing habit is not easy. People strive hard to quit this habit, but many times, they fail. Every time they involve in substance abuse, they say, 'this is the last time', but they never stick to their word. This happens with almost everyone, who has been associated with substance abuse for quite some time.
Posted on Jan-06-2012

760 Why Are Teens Vulnerable to Illicit Drug Abuse?
Illicit drug use among teenagers is one of the major public health concerns in America. People who initiate drug use at younger age are more likely to get addicted than those who use drugs later in their life. According to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA), 90 percent of American addicts start smoking, drinking or using drugs before the age of 18 years. It also states that 25 percent of those people become addicts to some or the other drug.
Posted on Jan-05-2012

537 Know How to Identify if Your Kid is Using Marijuana?
Today, many children and teens are abusing marijuana. Many kids are succumbing to the dangerous effects of this harmful substance. You don’t want your kid to be one of them, do you?
Posted on Jan-05-2012

509 Benefits of Employee Drug Testing at Workplace
Drug or alcohol abuse is one of the major concerns for many of the employers in United States of America. According to the 2010 National Survey on Drug Abuse and Health (NSDUH), among 56.6 million adult binge drinkers and 16.5 million heavy drinkers, around 74% were employed either part time or full time. When it comes to illicit drugs, of 20.2 million drug users aged 18 or older, 13.3 million (65.9%) were employed.
Posted on Jan-04-2012

889 How to Avoid Craving for Illicit Drugs and Alcohol?
An individual who has been habituated to illicit drugs or alcohol faces hard time withdrawing these habits. He should have strong commitment along with proper guidance to stay away from drugs. Below are some tips to help a drug addict overcome his/her craving for drugs.
Posted on Dec-30-2011

481 Alcohol Breathalyzers – Simple Devices to Detect Blood Alcohol Levels
Alcohol breathalyzers are simple and easy to use tools that detect blood alcohol levels. They are intended for personal as well as professional use to control alcohol abuse.
Posted on Dec-20-2011

480 Drug Testing Kits – Effective Tools Used at Various Places to Identify Drug Abusers
Drug abuse, which is prevalent in both youngsters as well adults, is one of the major health concerns in the United States of America. The necessity to detect and confirm drug abusing habit in each and every individual at any given place has become important. Drug testing kits are considered as effective tools to find drug abusers across varied groups of people at various places. Drug testing kits are simple, reliable and easy to use tools which serve the above need perfectly.
Posted on Dec-06-2011

396 Prevent Teen Drug Abuse Using Drug Testing Kits at Home
Teen drug abuse became a serious health problem in United States. It is hurting the healthcare system, burdening the economy, and causing millions of deaths every year.
Posted on Nov-29-2011

9786 Is Your Loved One Struggling with Unhealthy Habits? Know What You Need to Do
It is disheartening to see our loved ones struggling with unhealthy habits. But at the same time, it is our responsibility to provide them the needed support to overcome those unhealthy habits. Though willing to help, many of us do not know on how to initiate and implement the right steps to help our loved ones.
Posted on Nov-07-2011

414 Tips to Promote Health and Wellness at Workplace
Success of any organization depends on the wellbeing of employees. It is necessary for every company to foster a safe and healthy workplace to its employees. Following are few tips for employers to promote health and wellness at workplace.
Posted on Nov-07-2011

767 Same Day Teeth – Latest Dental Implant Technique to Load Missing Teeth in a Single Visit
Missing teeth, and the issues that arise with this particular dental problem, need to be addressed in the quickest possible time. A person who has lost several or all teeth will find it difficult to do even the simplest and most basic daily activities such as speaking, chewing, eating, or even smiling with missing teeth. Latest dental implant techniques such as ‘same day teeth’ or ‘one day teeth’ can quickly provide solutions to the previously mentioned missing teeth issues.
Posted on Nov-01-2011

439 Know How to Maintain Contact Lenses Properly
Contact lenses are easy and comfortable to wear. But, they demand regular maintenance without which they can become unhygienic and cause eye infections. To avoid such situations and also to extend the life of contact lenses, they need to be maintained properly. Following are some effective steps to make them durable and risk free.
Posted on Oct-29-2011

478 Benefits of Using Coloured Contact Lenses
One of the major advances in the field of eye care is the invention of contact lenses. They are a boon to the people who hate wearing glasses. An upgrade to these existing contact lenses, are the coloured contact lenses, which can enhance both vision and the beauty of eyes. These lenses can be found with and without power and in plethora of colours. Hence, by choosing coloured contact lenses, one can get dual benefits of avoiding the glasses and altering the colour of eyes.
Posted on Oct-11-2011

994 Student Drug Abuse and Its Harmful Effects
Many students in the United States are abusing illicit drugs unaware of the harmful effects of these unhealthy habits. Substance abuse, whether it is habitual or occasional, not only impacts the health, but also has many other negative effects. Read through the article to know the facts and harmful effects of student drug abuse.
Posted on Oct-05-2011

393 Abusing Alcohol or Drugs? Know What All You Will Lose
People start abusing alcohol or illicit drugs for different reasons. Some try it out of curiosity, some thinking that it gives pleasure, many because of peer pressure. Some also believe that it relieves from problems such as stress, anxiety, or depression.
Posted on Oct-05-2011

466 Saliva Test Kits – Ideal for Alcohol Detection
Alcohol abuse is one of the major reasons for automobile and industrial accidents in the United States. It also destroys an individual’s health, career, social and financial well-being. These points clearly stress the importance of alcohol testing.
Posted on Oct-05-2011

365 Healthy Parents Impart Healthy Habits in Children
The quality of life of children is dependent on the lifestyle of the parents, since their presence is directly felt in their children's life. Healthy attitudes of parents positively influence every aspect of a child's life, right from physical development to mental health and social wellbeing. Hence, parents should adopt healthy lifestyle which will generally be passed on to their kids. In this article, we will discuss about the importance of parents being healthy.
Posted on Oct-05-2011