Mrinal Dev's Article in Home and Family

570 One Way of Overcoming Allergies
Come spring and there is so much dust in the air thanks to all the spring cleaning going on that developing allergies is as easy as one, two, and three. Vacuum cleaners in UK are getting more sophisticated and you will not have to inhale so.
Posted on Mar-03-2011

640 A Century and a Half of Technological Adaptation
Yes, that common cleaning aid called the vacuum cleaner, without which most Western households and offices cannot conceive of carrying out daily cleaning chores, is more than a century and a half old.
Posted on Feb-23-2011

523 The Convenience of Wet & Dry Vacuum Cleaners
Essential equipment in any home or shop or business is wet and dry vacuum cleaners. Often referred to as a shop-vac, it is multipurpose and a very convenient “do-it-yourself” piece of equipment.
Posted on Nov-22-2010