Mrinal Dev's Article in Advertising

658 Bulk sms and its applications
Think about establishing a new business and you have to know the right kind of marketing for that. Most of the service messages that you receive on your mobile are the Bulk messages.
Posted on Oct-07-2011

645 Bulk Sms- The most effective tool of marketing
If you are thinking of starting up a new venture and you want people to know about your new project then using the Bulk Sms India facility will be really wise. This is a very new strategy that has been taken up by many marketing people to spread across the word.
Posted on Sep-08-2011

718 Bulk Sms now in India
There are so many new companies that are coming up in India these days. When a new company starts they always look for some medium by which they can reach out to their audience.
Posted on Sep-07-2011

655 Reach out with Bulk sms
Use of bulk sms is increasing these days. The main reason why bulk sms is used these days is mainly because it is a very cost effective tool for communicating with the customers.
Posted on Sep-06-2011

830 Utility of Bulk Sms
It's always great to receive information at fingertip and this is done with the help of the new communication tool called the Bulk Sms. Use of bulk sms is the newest trend that is being followed by most of the companies in order to spread their name and come in to the limelight.
Posted on Sep-05-2011

663 Pave for a new path for yourself easily
In this fast growing and changing world we all lack one thing in our lives, which is time. We can actually wait for many things to happen and thereby take a stand still.
Posted on Sep-05-2011

606 Spread your word and reach out
Have you decided to start up a business or are looking forward to selling a few product of your own? Whatever might be your requirement you can just look forward to using the best of the lot services of Bulk SMS and fulfill all your requirements in just the press of a button?
Posted on Sep-03-2011

662 Create That Niche with SMS
SMS or short message service has become the latest rage and is fast gaining prominence. With the SMS generation gaining relevance the idea of reaching out to people has also changed and communication has become even easier and effective too.
Posted on Sep-02-2011