Mr William Hauselberg's Article in Food and Beverage

28834 Stopping at the Grocery Store for Lunch or Dinner
Today the local supermarket is a great place to pick up dinner after work, when you are too busy to cook. Many supermarkets have deli's that prepare fresh entrees for consumers to take home.
Posted on Jul-27-2010

24923 The Proponents of Holistic Food Trends of Akron and Canton Ohio
Ohio has been a leader in the trend to gain greater control of their food resources to build a healthy Ohio food system. Two cities that have embraced this concept of fresh and healthy food are Akron and Canton. Close in proximity, both cities have embraced the riches the local farmers have to offer.
Posted on Jun-24-2010

1244 Local Food Markets of Virginia & Maryland Offer Great Fresh Food
When it comes to finding fresh produce in Virginia and Maryland, you should check out Virginia food market. One of the first places that you need to check is on the Eastern Shore. The Delmarva Peninsula is known throughout the country as having some of the most fertile soil there is. When you include Delaware, Delmarva has some of the best farms not only in the country, but throughout the world.
Posted on Jun-24-2010