Mike Alan's Article in Health and Fitness

395 Restorative Yoga Practice Benefits
In modern age of period, Most yoga teachers recommend a strict discipline of nostril breathing. Some of us are chronic mouth breathers, which can result in a host of problems from a dry mouth to shortness of breath. Not only is the habit of breathing through the mouth damaging to the body or also exceed pain relief, as air does not pass through the filtering mechanisms of the nose, the ancient Yoga texts say that it is harmful to the mind as well for your health,
Posted on Feb-07-2012

300 Resolve your foot pain
In our modern scientific and digital age, every person approximately assumed that a “heart healthy” diet is and that it can significantly lead to lowering your cholesterol. Global nutritional guidelines are now universal and incorporate: For years the prevailing wisdom was that women were at minimal risk for high cholesterol and the cardiovascular disease which was sure to follow High cholesterol levels, more specifically high LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels are a main contributor to heart diseas
Posted on Jan-02-2012

304 To build your body through Bodybuilding Supplements
In all over the world many people are commonly concerned with building larger muscles and wants to increase your workout stamina by using the best muscle building supplements for look great, be in good shape of fitness, which has become the buzzword worldwide, and do not pay enough attention to the actual fitness and athleticism of their bodies for looking handsome and graceful. Indo boarding provides a great way to remedy that oversig,
Posted on Jan-02-2012