Michele Willmott's Article in Depression

1615 How To Reduce Stress in 5 minutes! Get Grounded!
One quick, amazing way to release stress is to practice grounding yourself. You may have heard of this idea before. But how often do you actually do it?
Posted on Dec-20-2011

1532 How To Reduce Your Stress in 1 Simple Step!
Our lives are so dominated by a culture of action taking, that this can make it very hard for us to stop what we are doing and take a break. We all know that taking a break is likely to be very beneficial in terms of helping us to recharge our batteries and gain a sense of balance. However, we often end up ignoring the signs and telling ourselves that the extra work will be worth the effort and will help us keep on top of our to do list.
Posted on Oct-28-2011

1439 How To Reduce Your Stress in 1 Simple Step!
The implication for our stress levels when we continue to ignore our body and our natural instinct to stop and have a rest is obvious. Our desire to keep on going, to keep pushing forward can be so strong, and yes, is one that can help us achieve. But, taken to extremes, we then start to lose balance and begin to cross the line where our health – both emotional and physical are likely to suffer.
Posted on Oct-28-2011