Mercedes Aspland's Article in Yoga

941 Yoga Central - Camel Pose
This is the second article in our yoga central series and today we will be looking at a pose known as camel pose or Ustrasana. We will look at how to properly carry out the pose, the benefits you can get from it and anything that you need to consider before beginning. Please read the entire article before trying the pose.
Posted on Mar-26-2010

807 Yoga Central - Bridge Pose
This is the latest article in our yoga central series and today we will be looking at a pose known as bridge pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. We will look at how to properly carry out the pose, the benefits you can get from it and anything that you need to consider before beginning. Please read the entire article before trying the pose.
Posted on Mar-17-2010

806 Yoga Central - Plank Pose
This is the latest article in our yoga central series and today we will be looking at a pose known as plank pose. We will look at how to properly carry out the pose, the benefits you can get from it and anything that you need to consider before beginning. Please read the entire article before trying the pose.
Posted on Mar-12-2010

1223 Yoga Central - Reclining Big Toe Pose
This is the latest article in our yoga central series and today we will be looking at a pose known as reclining big toe pose or Supta Padangusthasana. We will look at how to properly carry out the pose, the benefits you can get from it and anything that you need to consider before beginning. Please read the entire article before trying the pose.
Posted on Mar-10-2010