Mercedes Aspland's Article in Stress Management

961 Breath Therapy and Stress
It can be said that the lives we lead have become more and more stressful over the year so that now we spend more time in the flight or fight mode rather than in a state of relaxation. This is largely due to external stresses we experience such as work demands, family live, lack of sleep, pollution and our diets. In this article we will look at ways to help you release some of this stress and feel more relaxed.
Posted on Apr-07-2010

857 How Kinesiology can help with Stress
Stress is one of the biggest problems in the western world and may be caused by a variety of different things. Conventional medicine can offer little help to deal with stress and so many people may turn to alternative therapies. On alternative therapy that could be of great help is kinesiology and so in this article we will look at what both stress and kinesiology and also how kinesiology can help treat stress.
Posted on Mar-24-2010