Mayank Kapur's Article in Software

862 All about the real estate software
Real estate deals are time taking and should be done meticulously. Due to advancement of technology and pressure of work, manual system often becomes tedious and time taking. Manual paper works are laborious and takes long to finish.
Posted on Feb-07-2012

681 Why should you invest in divorce software?
Marriages are made in heaven but the ritual is performed on Earth and has to be forwarded with legal contract. This legal affair includes the rights, duties and obligations amidst the married couple.
Posted on Feb-07-2012

657 Real Estate Closing Software - Breathe A Sigh Of Relief
That the 2010 RESPA Rule has added complications to HUD settlement statement in relation to the new Good Faith Estimate is something settlement agents have to cope with.
Posted on Feb-06-2012

691 Legal Billing Software To Enhance Revenue Flows
Cash flow governs profitability. This applies as much to lawyers as it does to any businessman or professional. However, lawyers have a different billing and account system, governed by state and federal laws.
Posted on Feb-06-2012

813 Marital Lifestyle & Alimony
The logic goes like this; Marital Lifestyle figures for the supported spouse are likely to include the supporting spouse's expenses that will not be paid by the supported spouse after the divorce.
Posted on Feb-01-2012

555 Turning Nightmares into Daydreams through the mEasySoft Mobile App
When the judge asks you to make that little change during the conference, simply smile, click on your Easy Soft divorce settlement App, change the number, and read the judge the new calculation right off your screen.
Posted on Jan-24-2012

611 From Horseback to Internet, Facilitating Your Client Meetings in Cyberspace
In days of yore, lawyers rode out on horseback to meet with their clients. Then, with the proliferation of automobiles, clients started driving into town to meet with their lawyer.
Posted on Jan-24-2012

593 How Custom is Your Form?
The cliché among lawyers is that you can give the same fact pattern to five different judges and you’ll get five different outcomes.
Posted on Jan-23-2012

615 How Antiquated is Your Math?
With Easy Soft’s programs, you can benefit from automatic divorce calculations that will cut your work from hours into minutes, while improving your accuracy.
Posted on Jan-23-2012

633 Time is Money – Don’t Waste It
At Easy Soft,we’re willing to bet that if you purchase our time and billing software for attorneys, you’ll notice an improvement in your bottom line.If not, you have our 30-day, unconditional, money-back guarantee on this law office billing software.
Posted on Jan-18-2012

585 How Useful is Your Networth Statement?
In every one of the fifty states, the networth statement is the document that contains basic information about the parties and their children, household budgets, assets, and liabilities.
Posted on Jan-17-2012

621 The mighty, mandatory networth statement
The mighty, mandatory networth statement is designed to capture every penny of every expense, asset, and liability associated with the parties that should be distributed between them as part of the settlement or judicial outcome
Posted on Jan-16-2012

571 Why Not To Choose Family Law Software
Just as there are convincing arguments favoring use of family law software, there still remains a segment of lawyers engaged in family law practice that find it hard to adapt to newer technologies.
Posted on Jan-12-2012

605 Why Go In For Divorce Software?
A lawyer engaged in divorces and family law cases has his hands full. Most of the time he is working out various “what if” scenarios, laboriously calculating tax implications, alimony, spouse and child support and distribution of properties in respect of divorce settlements.
Posted on Jan-10-2012

573 Do I Really Need Real Estate Closing Software?
Given all these benefits it would be hard to understand why anyone professionally engaged in real estate business would want to overlook this real estate software.
Posted on Jan-10-2012

610 Real Estate Closing Software Makes Property Deals A Snap
Real Estate Professionals and Lawyers into real estate may be perceived as having a prosperous life that they no doubt do.
Posted on Jan-09-2012

570 The Indecisive Support Recipient
The answer to this client problem is as simple as using the Easy Soft “Divorce Financials Software” to show your client the most strategic child support calculation and alimony calculation.
Posted on Jan-06-2012

554 Legal Billing and Accounting Software Take Drudgery Out Of A Lawyer’s Life
Given the complexity of billing and accounting in a lawyer’s operations, the more clients he takes on, the more time he has to spend on maintaining accounts.
Posted on Jan-04-2012