Mark Stjean's Article in Real Estate
How You Can Retire in Panama and Still Earn a Good Living
Aggressive government incentives have made Panama a haven for American retirees.
Posted on Oct-15-2010
The Shared Ranch Concept – Make the Most out of Your Second Home Getaway
The idea of living on a ranch appeals to many individuals, but when it comes down to it, who really wants to bale hay, clean stables, mend fences and herd cattle all day long? Well what if you could enjoy all the perks of owning thousands of acres of unspoiled ranch property without any of the maintenance that comes along with it?
Posted on Sep-17-2010
A Vast Array of Wildlife in Colorado
Colorado is a rugged mountain state, with diverse terrain, weather patterns and wildlife. As the eighth largest state in terms of land area, there is no shortage of animal or plant life stretching across the eastern plains and climbing the heights of the Rocky Mountains.
Posted on Sep-03-2010
Get More While Using Less – Eco Friendly Home Design
As scientists discover new ways of harnessing our planet’s natural resources in a way that will help preserve our planet, new home builders and developers can do their part by incorporating eco friendly strategies and amenities into their blueprints.
Posted on Aug-25-2010
Custom Home Building versus Buying an Existing Home
Provides a comparison of the advantages of building a custom home vs. purchasing a spec home or an existing home.
Posted on Feb-22-2010