Mark Stjean's Article in Nutrition
Is Corn Sugar Healthy?
How do you turn high fructose corn syrup into a healthy and fresh new harmless corn sugar? You rename it. The corn refiners recently launched a new campaign to rename the one single ‘food’ that Americans consume more than any other food calorie, high fructose corn syrup.
Posted on Oct-14-2010
Why Detox?
The purpose of a detox program is to help remove toxins from your body tissues and body organs, from your water stores, fat deposits, and within your bloodstream.
Posted on Oct-13-2010
Muscadine Grape Seed – Storehouse Of Healing Powers
Muscadine Grapes also known by their botanical name Vitis vinifera have been associated with a paramount of medicinal properties for thousands of years. The Muscadine grapes have their roots of birth in the United States. The Muscadine grapes are better known as the America’s hidden powerhouse because of its ability to deliver instant energy.
Posted on Mar-02-2010