Mark Stjean's Article in Communications
Great Tips To Enhance The Function Of Android Phone
It is a great joy to have an android phone and get connected to every friend all around the world. Android phones are small compact computer with complete features including internet access, file transfer, camera, data storage capacity and many more facility.
Posted on Oct-20-2010
SwitcherPlus of Cydia Multitask the way you want
SwitcherPlus is one of the best apps upgraded on Cydia enabling the native multitasking feature from the lockscreen. At the time of this article the tweak is still in public beta. As for the author of this tweak, well, it’s not who you would imagine, but you may guess it from the icon style…yes, that’s right; the team behind biteSMS has been hard at work on their new offering SwitcherPlus.
Posted on Sep-22-2010
Get The Best Iphone 4 Case – But Not Apple Bumper Cases
After a successful release of new iPhone 4 by Apple Computer, nonetheless some problems emerged. Early buyers have discovered that if you hold you iPhone in hand the signal reception problems appear making it impossible to make a phone call.
Posted on Sep-04-2010