Mark Stjean's Article in Business

1144 Types of Elevators
There is a world full of architectural genius that envelops our lives, often going unnoticed throughout our daily activities. One of the elements that is taken for granted in our daily lives is the modern elevator.
Posted on Sep-03-2010

784 Are Home Elevators Viable?
Home elevators…We all dream about one…But do we need one? Why would a person really need/want a home elevator installed?
Posted on Aug-26-2010

1223 Elevator Safety
Did you know that October is National Elevator Safety month? We may take for granted what goes into elevator inspection and elevator maintenance, but proper care can keep passengers safe. There are many safety measures that must be implemented in each and every elevator.
Posted on Aug-21-2010

1677 Famous Elevators and what it took to install them
When you think of an elevator, you might think of traveling to great heights. And, if you really look deeply at the architectural masterpiece an elevator is, you might find some fascination in the construction and magic of it.
Posted on Aug-17-2010

519 Professional Painting Contractors Guide to Finding New Business Leads
Professional painting contractors can find more leads by using the strategies outlined in this article.
Posted on Mar-18-2010

612 Professional Painting Contractors: Five Tips for Surviving the Economic Slowdown
Professional painting contractors can learn how to grow their interior painting businesses even in this slow economy by following the tips and consulting the resources in this article.
Posted on Mar-03-2010