Mark Stjean's Article in Arts and Entertainment

1070 Tattoo Designs for Women The 4 Most Amazing Girly Tattoos on the Planet
With the growing popularity of tattoo designs for women there are seemingly endless tattoo ideas for girls to get inspired about. Let's talk about four different types of popular tattoo designs that a lot of women are selecting for themselves these days.
Posted on Sep-13-2010

605 Kimberly Ms. MTV announces: Antowain Smith 2x Super Bowl Champ as New Sportscaster on “Online Radio 1”
Two time Super Bowl Champion Running Back and former face of Wheaties Cereal. Commits to as sportscaster. Kimberly Ms. MTV is the founder of the international online radio station and former MTV reporter.
Posted on Mar-11-2010

593 Kimberly Ms. MTV-Former MTV Reporter Launch International “Online Radio 1” & “South Coast Live” TV
Kimberly Ms. MTV former MTV-online reporter is launching South Coast Live. Kimberly Ms. MTV is the ex and baby’s mother to two time Superbowl champion and retired NFL star running back, Antowain Smith. Read more to see what Kimberly Ms. MTV in up to she is “a NFL player baby mama doin more than living off the child support.”
Posted on Mar-08-2010