Mark Jones's Article in Clothing
Traditional Kaftans with Slight Modifications to Become All the Rage
Originally worn in the 14th century, the kaftans were used by the males mostly. In different regions, these dressings had different significance. This was a long, ankle length dress worn my men with a topping of sash or robe. In Persia and neighboring countries, this caftan was the attire of the Sultans and the rich people. While in Russia, the peasants were known by this dress, in Morocco, females were mostly using it.
Posted on Nov-04-2010
Exciting Swimwear for Beaches to Become the Focal Point of All Attention
A common visual in the beach is people moving around or basking in swimwear. One can even know from a distance about the variations in the beach dresses. Bikini accounts for more than half of the dress. Of the remaining people who go on to the beaches, style seems to be important. Since the sexiness is the main message that goes out with the dressing on the beach, designers are trying to concentrate on such a theme.
Posted on Nov-04-2010
Sexy Kaftan for Females to Bring Out Their Great Style Sense
There is always a rush among females to be differently dresses in different occasions. The search to wear new and innovative attire is always done by them. Evening wear has been given a new face by the introduction of kaftans.
Posted on Nov-04-2010
The Modernized Version of Beach Kaftans for a More Stylish Look
The beach is a place where comfort is the keyword. The dresses to be worn at the beach are quite varied. Bikini is one of the most commonly worn dresses.
Posted on Nov-04-2010