Mark Schwartz's Article in Health and Fitness

1319 Benefits of LASER Eyelid Lift Surgery
The eyes are the focal points of our face and an indicator to others about how we feel. Even when we actually feel happy, people may ask “are you sad or tired?” This is because of the tired, puffy or baggy eyes.
Posted on Mar-18-2014

1143 Abdominoplasty – An Overview
Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is a type of surgery performed on the abdomen to improve its shape by surgically removing excess skin and fat that may have accumulated due to obesity, post pregnancy or age.
Posted on Feb-20-2014

1271 Things You Need to Know about Eyelid Lift Surgery
Are you tired of people telling you, "You look tired" even though you had plenty of sleep? Are you thinking of having eyelid lift surgery in New York and don't know where to start? Having saggy, drooping eyelids can give a false impression to the people around you.
Posted on Feb-02-2014

1378 Lose Your Mummy Tummy with Abdominoplasty
Pregnancy, major weight loss, and the natural aging process can do a real number on your tummy, leaving it looking flabby. But now there is solution for all.
Posted on Jan-23-2014

1005 Patient’s Guide to Abdominoplasty Surgery
Abdominoplasty surgery in Manhattan aims to provide a flatter, narrower abdomen by excising skin and excess fat and addressing rectus divarication (abdominal separation), generally by using a lower transverse abdominal scar.
Posted on Nov-18-2013

1101 The Dangers of Illegal Plastic Surgery in a Beauty-Fixated Culture
“Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” - Betty Friedan
Posted on Oct-18-2013

914 Top Body Parts That Plastic Surgery Can Totally Revamp
If you have plans for reconstructive or cosmetic plastic surgery, it is very important that your doctor is a skilled, qualified and experienced plastic surgeon.
Posted on Aug-08-2013

1013 Tummy Tuck Surgery - Pre-operative Instructions
Abdominoplasty, commonly known as tummy tuck surgery, shapes your abdomen and gets rid of belly fat that doesn’t respond to exercise or diet. Here are a few things to consider before tummy tuck surgery.
Posted on Aug-07-2013

980 When is Plastic Surgery Right for You?
You may wonder how plastic surgery, once thought of as risky and even dangerous idea, attracts millions of people today.
Posted on Jul-19-2013