Marilynn Halas's Article in Parenting
The Power of Play - Kids Need To Experience The Joy Of Free Play
“Go outside and play.” We say it all the time because we know our kids need to run around and experience the joy of free play. Their whole lives are structured to some degree and let’s face it, most of the time that is a good thing. Kids get a sense of security from knowing what comes next. Before a child can tell time, it’s useful to know that bedtimes comes after bath time and that nap time comes after lunch. Before they understand the calendar, it’s a big help to discover that Thanksgivi
Posted on Feb-06-2012
Keeping Babies Contained and Entertained
Highchairs, pack and plays, cribs and car seats, baby swings, bouncy seats and walkers, not to mention strollers, carriers and backpacks for hiking. What do all these wonderful things have in common? They all try to keep our babies safe and happy. Contained where they won't get into trouble and entertained long enough for the containment to be meaningful so that parents can have a few moments to shower, take a walk, or the holy grail of life with a baby, sleep.
Posted on Feb-04-2012