Marie Chrismer's Article in Health and Fitness

485 Contact lenses advantages and draw backs
The choice of the contact lenses, the advantages and the draw backs of its usage.
Posted on May-24-2010

409 Things to do before buying a contact lens
People should gather adequate information before buying a contact lens from the market.
Posted on May-24-2010

435 Better protection of the eye with proper care of contact lenses
Take proper care of your contact lenses for the better protection of the eye and better vision.
Posted on May-24-2010

428 Contact lenses and Spectacles are equally important for the protection of the eyes
People must use contact lenses or glass spectacles for protecting their eyes from any type of problems.
Posted on May-23-2010

437 Some reasons why lenses are better than eye glasses
People should always go for the contact lenses provided by the well known manufacturers.
Posted on May-22-2010

409 Stylish contact lenses can give a lot of protection to the eyes
The contact lenses have proved to be very helpful in the protection of the eyes and also for fashion purposes.
Posted on May-22-2010

391 Advantages of using contact lenses over the glass spectacles
Contact lenses can give you a good look as well as it can provide great protection for the eyes.
Posted on May-22-2010

474 The huge popularity of contact lenses is because of its advantages
The advantages of contact lenses over the eye glasses have resulted to its huge popularity among the people.
Posted on Apr-19-2010

413 Types of contact lens and their functions to serve human eyes
Contact lenses are one of the latest trends on today; millions of people use different types of contact lenses discarding the eye glasses that they used to wear previously.
Posted on Apr-17-2010

421 Introduction of contact lenses in various fields of human activities
The introduction of contact lens in the medical field have helped people having visionary problems a lot; even the people of the fashion world have been greatly served by the contact lenses.
Posted on Apr-17-2010

455 Protecting the most precious part of our body
Whether it be a contact lens or a glass spec and whatever be their advantages over each other both of them are very essential for the protection of the eyes.
Posted on Apr-16-2010

414 The discovery and increasing popularity of the contact lenses
People must keep the following things in mind before buying a contact lens; they must consult an eye specialist and go for the world class companies.
Posted on Apr-16-2010

384 Maintain your contact lens properly to get optimum performance
People must take proper care of a contact lens and also maintain it properly to get optimum performance.
Posted on Apr-15-2010

481 Few steps the contact lens users should follow
According to the usage and type of eye problem, contact lenses can be classified into several types.
Posted on Mar-10-2010

484 Types and uses of a contact lens
Contact lens is so far one of the best inventions of man, its medical properties help people a lot to protect the eyes.
Posted on Mar-10-2010

497 Contact lenses are better than glass spectacles in several ways
contact lenses are advantageous over eye glasses in several ways, so if you feeling irritated with your glass spec, discard it and start using a contact lens.
Posted on Mar-10-2010

449 Precautions for using contact lenses
Before buying a contact lens for your eyes, you must consult a doctor to know about what contact lens to buy.
Posted on Mar-16-2010

444 The best way to deal with both Myopia and Presbyopia
People must take good care of their eyes, and for that they can use contact lens or eye glasses.
Posted on Mar-16-2010

441 Contact lenses are far better than eye glasses
Contact lenses are advantageous over eye glasses from each and every angle, people must contact a doctor and shift to contact lenses the first chance they get.
Posted on Mar-09-2010

362 Few steps for cleaning a contact lens
Cleaning and disinfecting a contact lens is the only way to make it last for a long time and also protect your precious eyes.
Posted on Mar-09-2010

344 Contact lenses as a replacement of glass spectacles
Keeping in mind the advantages of contact lens, people must discard their glass specs and shift to contact lens.
Posted on Mar-08-2010

437 Contact lenses can take good care of your eyes
To keep your eyes safe, you must use contact lenses which are prescribed by the doctor.
Posted on Feb-12-2010

371 Keep yourself updated with information on contact lenses
Eye is the most sensitive organ of human beings. Any mistreatment can challenge your vision. Contact an eye specialist before you continue using those lenses even if you want only to change appearance.
Posted on Feb-11-2010

389 Some information about the modern Contact Lens
A contact should be purchased very carefully, keeping in mind the price of the lens and the solution provided with it.
Posted on Feb-11-2010

381 Contact lenses should be cleaned and soaked regularly
A contact lens must be cleaned and disinfected regularly, otherwise you can face serious problems.
Posted on Feb-11-2010