Marice Shell's Article in Customer Service

346 Call Center Philippines: Global hub
Call Center Philippines have made great remarks to global BPO market due to the demand of outsourcing services made known by different big time companies from outsourcing countries. The Philippines is gaining maximum benefits from the outsourcing firms and the job opportunities it brought for the Filipinos.
Posted on Oct-06-2011

247 Call Center Philippines: Outsourcing Solutions
Big business players prefer to outsource call center services in the Philippines. It is considered as top business process outsourcing (BPO) destination giving the best call center outsourcing solutions. Business investors are coming to explore possibilities of investment and its BPO market. Global companies are expanding as seen that Philippines are capable of handling and enhancing business operations.
Posted on Sep-07-2011

318 Call Center Philippines: Offshore Firms Alternative
Call Center Philippines is growing at blast that is large enough enticing offshore business firms thru business dealings to service providers in outsourcing business operations. Offshore companies have flocked to the Philippines to gain benefits on its low-costs outsourcing services while enhancing and maintaining standardized customer service.
Posted on Sep-07-2011