The demand for Rural Medicine Professionals in New Zealand
According to ‘The Guardian’, a rural GP offered $400,000 (£190,000) annual income to attract a medic to the locum doctor jobs, but even after two years of hunting, the position remains unfilled.
Posted on Apr-05-2019
A Comprehensive Guide to Locum Jobs in New Zealand
Did you know working as a locum doctor in New Zealand can be immensely satisfying and rewarding? Yes, the advantages of working as a locum doctor cannot be denied!
Posted on Feb-26-2019
Become a Rural Hospital Doctor in New Zealand
Do you want to live and work in some of the most beautiful places in New Zealand as a rural doctor? If so, take up locum medical jobs in New Zealand.
Posted on Jan-11-2019
Insights on the Mental Health of New Zealanders
Anxiety and depression are common in New Zealand, and one in five of us are experiencing it every year. In fact, mental disorders are the third-leading cause of health loss for New Zealanders, behind cancers and other health issues.
Posted on Nov-30-2018
General Practice Education Training – An Innovative Program
New Zealand’s GP shortage is set to worsen as half of the doctors expected to retire in the next 10 years, according to a new study.
Posted on Nov-26-2018
A Study on the Reasons for Shortage of Rural Medicine Professionals in New Zealand
According to a study by the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners, it is found that 41 per cent of the professionals in locum medical jobs are expected to retire from the services by 2025!
Posted on Oct-08-2018
A Glimpse on General Practice Education Programme (GPEP) Training
One of the biggest issues faced by hospitals and rural GP practices in New Zealand is the critical shortage of general practitioners.
Posted on Sep-10-2018
Telehealth in New Zealand
In a rapidly-changing world, advances in health technology are steadily being incorporated into the practice of medicine & any locum GP jobs in New Zealand.
Posted on Sep-06-2018
A Glimpse on New Zealand's Accident Compensation Scheme (ACC)
When you move to any medical jobs in New Zealand, it is essential stay aware about the acronym 'ACC.' The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), or the no fault scheme covers both the residents of New Zealand and visitors to the country.
Posted on Sep-05-2018
A Study on the Health of New Zealanders
The health and wellbeing of New Zealanders is regularly captured by the New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS).
Posted on Aug-28-2018
Life as A GP in Rural New Zealand – Really So Interesting!
New Zealand is the best choice for doctors and GPs looking to relocate, as it offers a whole host of lifestyle and many work-based advantages!
Posted on Aug-21-2018
Discover Otago - A World of Difference
Stretching from mountain tops, across wide open plains and vineyards down to a natural harbour confronting the wild Southern Ocean is the South Island region of Otago.
Posted on Jul-17-2018
All About 2018 Flu Season in New Zealand
As winter inches ever closer, the need to protect yourself your colleagues and patients from influenza should be the number one consideration.
Posted on Jul-16-2018
What is Locum Work?
For doctors working in New Zealand, undertaking a locum medical job can have many personal and professional benefits and advantages. Locum positions are highly valuable to hospitals and clinics, and are often offered when extra or substitute staff are required.
Posted on May-12-2018
A Study on Mental Health in New Zealand
Mental distress and illness is a serious public health issue in New Zealand. According to the Ministry of Health, nearly 47% of New Zealanders will experience mental illness and/or addiction at some stage in their lives.
Posted on May-03-2018
Highlight On New Zealand Sports
When you overhear the word ‘rugby’ in New Zealand, and let’s face it, that’ll only be a matter of time, you should know that the speaker is referring to our national sport, rugby union (rather than rugby league).
Posted on Feb-28-2018