Lou Ryan's Article in Self Improvement
Stop Smoking Easily and Permanently
Permanent smoking cessation — it’s not just a pipe dream. In fact, learning how to stop smoking forever is relatively easy, as long as you understand what smoking is.
Posted on Apr-07-2010
Smoking: An Emotional Addiction, Not a Physical One
Smoking has always been associated with a feeling. Watch practically any Hollywood film shot before 1970, and smoking is associated with glamour, prestige, and a certain worldliness otherwise denied to those without a lighter and the ability to effortlessly blow smoke rings.
Posted on Apr-06-2010
Quit Smoking By Changing the Way We Feel About Cigarettes
Quitting smoking isn’t just about finding new ways to keep your hands occupied—it’s about changing the way we feel about cigarettes.
Posted on Apr-06-2010
The Truth Behind Why People Smoke
Nicotine is often cited as being one of the most addictive substances on earth; but, despite its intoxicating nature, the truth behind why people smoke is not rooted solely in a simple physical craving.
Posted on Apr-06-2010
Confronting the Psychology of Food Addiction
When you think about an emotionally traumatic experience, like breaking up with your significant other, is your first impulse to eat something to calm down? Do you think about food when facing other stressful scenarios, such as talking to someone you don’t particularly like, or even the idea of just getting through your day?
Posted on Dec-08-2009