Lorena Lyons's Article in Arts and Entertainment

511 Sexy Lingerie for a Night of Sheer Pleasure
Deciding what to wear for that special night spent together is never easy. There are many styles, sizes, shapes and colors of Sexy lingerie and no matter what the size of the woman, there will be something that is perfect for the occasion.
Posted on Feb-06-2012

439 Sexy Lingerie for Comfort and Enjoyment
Sexy lingerie comes in all styles, sizes, shapes and colors. Lingerie has long been a favored nightwear by both men and women and nightwear that definitely sets the woman to make her feel like a woman with everything that she possesses.
Posted on Feb-06-2012

504 The Power of the Woman in Sexy Lingerie
Lingerie is a gift that a woman can give herself, as well as, a gift that she receives from a man.
Posted on Feb-05-2012