Liza Riggs's Article in Home Improvement

187 Garage Door Openers: The Next Important Item after a Garage Door Installation
When building a new home, one of the most vital and useful things to shop for, is the garage door. It adds a certain kind of personality, something that accentuates the façade of the house.
Posted on Nov-15-2011

418 Getting the Best Garage Door Opener to Your Advantage
Are you searching for a new garage door opener? This may be your first time to upgrade your manual garage door and have one or perhaps your current one has not served you well and has bugged down a couple of times.
Posted on Nov-15-2011

221 For The Best Garage Door Remote Control, Purchase Only From Trusted Manufacturers
From a certain distance, one can open the garage door opener with just the touch of a button, the ‘all-powerful’ garage door remote control, making the life of the common man simpler and less chaotic. This is an answer to the constant cry of convenience and comfort among many from their hectic schedules.
Posted on Nov-15-2011