Linda's Article in Currency Trading

1059 Efficient Trading Tips For Newbies, With Forex Time Frame
Moreover, when it comes to be a matter of money then there is a need to pave a layout for giving an outlook to sum-up things at the platform. Timing matters a lot at the market because if the traders did not place the trade moves correctly with the correct time then it is sure to loose.
Posted on May-28-2010

847 Evade Speculation for Better Trading
In Forex, investors fully depend on speculation at the beginning of trading. Its general tendency of traders to make guesswork for earning profits but sometime due to assumptions traders face a huge problem also.
Posted on May-04-2010

833 Position Opening at Forex
Most of the time traders are found discussing about the position making at the forex trading platform to have maximum utilization of the trade opportunities.
Posted on Apr-09-2010

976 Forex charts: Cup with Handle
It is a type of continuation chart pattern which ahs appearance like cross section of tea cup with a small handle on the right side of the cup. The chart pattern has the typical duration of seven to sixty-five weeks handle duration must be at least one-two weeks and can exceed for long.
Posted on Apr-08-2010

840 Position Sizing at Forex
Those who are new to this forex trading platform for them it is very difficult to resist from being engulfed by the attractiveness of the earning maximum profits in the market.
Posted on Apr-07-2010

995 Success Secrets of traders
The platform like forex trading is not a small deal that can be managed easily as if it is a child game instead it requires thorough knowledge, acquired skills and perseverance to carry the trade positions under any condition along with a little space in your mind to bear the losses.
Posted on Apr-05-2010

810 Choose your style of trading
As we all know that the forex trading styles are of four types of trading systems that includes day trading, scalping, swing trading and position trading.
Posted on Apr-01-2010

901 Forex Trading Framework
Making consistent money through forex trading platform is not a big deal and to do so the trader requires information about the exchange rate information about the currency pairs active at the platform for placing their buying and selling positions.
Posted on Mar-29-2010

809 Merits of Automated Forex Trading
The concept of automated trading has become a new trend in the world of trading foreign exchange that lots of people are observing it.
Posted on Mar-16-2010

846 Questions unanswered at Forex
In this vicious aura of Forex trading there are so many queries of the traders that remains unanswered many times so let’s storm our brains to resolve the troubles at the Forex trading platform.
Posted on Mar-03-2010

1150 Let’s see the margin in Forex
Margin points to that amount at the trading which is actually required by the traders to be kept as balance at the Forex account for dealing with any kind of losses that may take place during trading.
Posted on Feb-25-2010

926 Forex: Understanding the Core Elements
These are the some very basic elements of the Forex market that are necessary to understand and pick the details of the trading minutes enabling the traders to carry out trade moves in the market.
Posted on Feb-23-2010

1013 Forex and its dependence on Indicators
At Forex trading platform most of us often gone through certain questions related to indicators that enables the traders or investors to acknowledge about the trade related information that helps to make positioning decisions.
Posted on Feb-02-2010

696 Three main points in Forex
The article gives information regarding the pivot points in Forex and the measurement ways of resistance, support and the pivot point of the Forex trade.
Posted on Nov-18-2009

1565 Emotions in Forex: Do they really matters
Emotions and feelings are not at all bad but always keep the trading lead in your hands that is do not allow the emotions to override on your ambitions of earning big profits with caution at the Forex trading platform.
Posted on Nov-12-2009