Lewis Philip's Article in Reference and Education

615 GMAT Promo Codes to Prepare within Minimal Finances
The zeal required to prepare for an exam as competitive as GMAT may be the driving force in letting aspirants prepare for this extremely stringent test; however, unless the aspirants have access to quality study material and tools for the preparation, the chances of them achieving the desired scores are really bleak.
Posted on Feb-02-2012

465 Prepare for GMAT using Online Resources
Every major competitive exam such as GMAT demands the applicants to take care of a number of preparatory aspects in order to ensure a decent result. Right from regulating sleep timings to cutting on time devoted to hobbies, the applicants need to ensure everything is in place for their mind and body to get ready for the big day.
Posted on Nov-07-2011

556 Availing GMAT Prep Discounts Online
Preparing for a major competitive exam such as GMAT is never an easy task. The aspirants have to study for long hours, enroll for preparatory programs, and sacrifice on a lot on their personal fronts to place themselves at the desired level in the results.
Posted on Oct-12-2011