Leon's Article in Health and Fitness

744 Antibodies for Biomedical Research
Antibodies are an unparalleled tool for use in biomedical research because they bind with high affinity and specificity to a variety of molecules - most notably proteins and peptides. They are used in procedures where characterization, quantification, localization or verification of a protein is necessary.
Posted on Jan-07-2010

681 Common Facial Plastic Surgery Procedures
An overview of the most common facial plastic surgery procedures used to achieve facial rejuvenation.
Posted on Jan-07-2010

787 Interactive Networks Boosts Patient Satisfaction
Progressive healthcare providers are deploying a potent new on-demand tool to sweeten hospital stays. It's part of a smart strategy that not only engages in-patients with home-like entertainment, communications and education features, but empowers them to take an active role in their care as well.
Posted on Jan-07-2010

664 Horse Hair Analysis for Holistic Equine Health Care
A majority of today’s equine problems are nutritionally related. Allergies, Cushings, Equine Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy (EPSM), chronic body soreness, mystery lameness and a myriad of other conditions often involve mineral and/or electrolyte deficiencies and heavy metal toxicities. Blood testing would indicate that the horse was normal while Horse Hair Analysis would show serious imbalances
Posted on Jan-07-2010