Larry Emmott's Article in Internet Marketing

636 Social Media the Marketing Frontier for Dental Practice Management
Do you know who Susan Boyle is? Even if you don’t recognize the name you probably know her story. You know of her because of the incredible power of social media.
Posted on Jul-02-2010

652 Paperless Dental Practice Records by 2014
Have you heard that there is a new government regulation that requires dentists to have electronic records by the year 2014? I have heard or read a number of variations on this theme in the last month along with various rants and dire warnings regarding the alleged new rules.
Posted on May-10-2010

865 Ways to Get Your Dental Practice Marketing Where Potential Patients Can Find You
Of course the Yellow Pages aren’t quite an artifact yet, but as more and more people let their fingers do the walking online—rather than in a paper book—where your dental office pops up on an Internet search will have far more impact on how new patients find your office.
Posted on Mar-31-2010