Larry Emmott's Article in Business
E-Services - Get More Pay Less
Remember when e was just a letter? Well now it stands for “electronic” and anything e like e-mail or e–commerce is electronic mail or electronic commerce. But in practice it usually means a service that is not just electronic but it is online. Often as it becomes an e and goes online the “whatever” migrates from being a product to a service.
Posted on Jun-12-2010
Making Sense and Dollars from Screenings
Have you seen the CSI-type shows where the crime scene detective puts on some funky goggles and shines an eerie blue light over the scene, looking for clues? They are using an alternative light source to reveal details that are difficult to detect under normal white light.
Posted on May-28-2010
The Bright Future of Digital Referrals
Online transmission of digital patient information can save time, decrease confusion, eliminate mistakes and greatly improve the referral process.
Posted on May-11-2010