Lanette Tucker's Article in Finance

513 What To Look For In A Factoring Company
In order for factoring to be successful, it is important for a seller to find and work with the right factor. What does the 'right factor' look like? Well, that depends on the particular company.
Posted on Jun-06-2011

516 How To Factor Your Government Contract Receivables
Some companies receive a good deal of work directly through the United States government in the form of contracts. Typically, businesses must compete against others to receive these lucrative and enviable jobs.
Posted on Jun-05-2011

703 5 Good Reasons A Company Should Factor
One of the most noted benefits of factoring is the ability for a company to quickly raise cash when they can't get a traditional loan, or when they are experiencing rapid growth and need to purchase materials, pay vendors and cover operating expenses.
Posted on Mar-03-2011

851 How Freight Bill Factoring Can Help Trucking Companies
Trucking companies understand how difficult it can be trying to run an operation while waiting for invoices to be paid. Some clients may not pay until 60 days after a job has been completed.
Posted on Mar-03-2011