Lana Walter's Article in Health and Fitness
Pigmento, A panacea for Vitiligo
Herbal medicines are good for the effective management of hypertension. Sarpaganda is the anti hypertensive from the nature. It also reduces tachycardia. Triphala acts as powerful antioxidant and rejuvenate which fights hyper cholesterolaemia, reduce anxiety, eases constipation, protects heart and improves eyesight.
Posted on Dec-15-2011
How to remove un wanted hair naturally?
Unwanted hair is the common problem in both male and female, but this hair growth causes irritation and embarrassment in women. Excessive hair growth in women is called hirsutism. Hirsutism is growth of long and rough hair on the body other than head. The medical term of Hirsutism is hypertrichosis. This is symptom rather than a disease. The unwanted hair most commonly seen in upper lips, cheek, chin, lower abdomen, legs and toe.
Posted on Dec-15-2011
For More Pleasure & Better Sexual Health, Addyzoa Is The Answer
Addyzoa is a type of an Ayurvedic medicine that is used to cure problems in males such as Functional infertility, Asthenospermia, oligospermia as well as Teratospermia. Men face various sex problems at some point or other during their lifetime. During this time they become more irritated, their confidence level drops and they also face various mental issues. Addyzoa is a supplement for these problems. Addyzoa is an herbal supplement antioxidant and helps in spermatogenesis. Over 80% of people wo
Posted on Nov-24-2011