Lawanda Hill's Article in Coaching

1020 What is a Life Coach?
A life coach is not a consultant, mentor, cheerleader, friend or advice-giver. A life coach helps you access "your own" wisdom, and act upon it. A coaching relationship is not about information flowing downhill...It is a partnership between peers, where the focus in is on you and your life.
Posted on Nov-01-2011

1046 Life Management Coach
We often believe that the pace at which we move in life is directly correlated to the success we achieve in life. Well almost 73% of people feel this is true. Actually it is not the speed that counts but the quality that does. Life in not a race, where only speed makes you win, it is like a high jump, no matter how you run, what matters is the flight that matters after your run. Today’s world is a rush-rush world.
Posted on Oct-25-2011