Kristina Paul's Article in Mobile Phones

1022 Cellphone Accessories - Making your life easier
Cellphones are an absolute must for many different people. Parents like to give their children cell phones so that they can keep track of them. Companies give their salesmen cell phones so that they can contact customers, access email and keep track of them. The list of people that use cell phones go on and on. They are extremely advanced pieces of technology
Posted on Jan-31-2011

807 Use screen protectors on your cell phone and other accessories
With technology being what it is today, it can become quite expensive when you have to purchase an item over and over again because the screen has been scratched so much that you can not see what you are doing, that’s why it is important to purchase cell phone screen protectors. The cell phone protectors were invented as a method to keep your cell phone and other accessories free from the on screen damage
Posted on Jan-05-2011

599 Bluetooth Stereo Headset
Cell phones can do so much these days aside from simply making and receiving calls. They can surf the web, text, play music files, play video files, and even act as GPS devices. Yet with all these options, the majority of Bluetooth headsets are still mono devices that have only one speaker.
Posted on Jan-05-2011