Kristina Paul's Article in Internet Marketing
Marketing company MA for strategic marketing
There are many reasons why a business requires the services of a professional Marketing company MA. As we have business management as a vital component in a business so has marketing management become a major component which focuses on the identifying customers, to keep the customer, and to satisfy the customer. Marketing company MA has their main focus on brand building activities and other activities.
Posted on Jul-30-2010
Pragmatic is the word when it comes to social media optimization
Offline marketing is not enough to sustain your business. You must have a brand image of yourself online and must spend considerable amount of time catering to your online audience if you are to survive in the competitive market scenario. With traffic increasing manifold and with the office hours increasing by the day, people get less time for a face to face meeting. That is where the online social media comes into picture. Increasingly people are resorting to blogs, vblogs and social networking
Posted on Jan-25-2010